Who is the training designed for:
It is designed for those who meet with change implementation and are responsible for their implementation into practice. This training gives the opportunity to strengthen the skills necessary for preparation of the change-related process, its implementation and motivation of and people leadership during the change implementation process.
Benefits for participants:
- Improving knowledge and skills related to planning and change preparation
- Recognizing the most common mistakes and reasons for change-related failure and how to stop them
- Improving your own successfulness in using management methods related to change and transition processes
- Becoming self-confident with regard to change implementation
- Improving leading skills needed during preparation, implementation and monitoring of change implementation
Benefits for organization:
- Successful change implementation
- Keeping employees’ motivation
- Achieving dedication to change implementation
During the training sessions, the following will be worked on systematically:
Changes and their influence
Readiness for change
Process and phases of transition and transformation
Managing the change-related processes
- making the plan related to change implementation
- planning implementation steps and leading towards realization
Managing people during the change
- motivating with regard to change
- planning and leading the process
- monitoring of the implemented change
- strengthening of new ways of behavior and of implemented change
Managing resistance to changes
Change as a continuous process
Dr. Vukašina Markovića bb, Ave Marija Koljčević building – Podgorica
tel +382 67 222 989
tel +382 20 331 419
email: info@millennialconsulting.me